Classes | |
class | EnvAgentInteractBehavior |
class | EnvClampBehavior |
class | EnvDecayBehavior |
class | EnvDiffusionBehavior |
class | EnvGiererMeinhardtBehavior |
class | EnvGrayScottBehavior |
class | AccelerationBehavior |
acceleration behavior More... | |
class | AlignmentBehavior |
velocity alignment behavior More... | |
class | BoundaryMirrorBehavior |
creates reflective boundary for Agent 's position More... | |
class | BoundaryRepulsionBehavior |
creates repulsive boundary for Agent 's position More... | |
class | BoundaryWrapBehavior |
creates periodic boundary for Agent 's position More... | |
class | CircularBehavior |
cause Agent to move withing a ring More... | |
class | CohesionBehavior |
cause Agent to move towards center position of their neigbhors More... | |
class | ConeVisionBehavior |
cone vision behavior More... | |
class | CopyBehavior |
class | DampingBehavior |
adapt Agent velocity towards target speed More... | |
class | DistanceFieldFollowBehavior |
cause Agent to along a surface represented by a distance field More... | |
class | EvasionBehavior |
cause Agent to move away from their neighbors More... | |
class | GridAvgBehavior |
add grid value at Agent position to output parameter More... | |
class | NeighborDirectionStoreBehavior |
class | NeighborDistanceStoreBehavior |
class | NeighborIndexStoreBehavior |
class | NeighborStoreBehavior |
store neighborhood information in agent parameter More... | |
class | OrbitBehavior |
cause agents to orbit around the positions of neighboring agents More... | |
class | ParameterCombineBehavior |
combine several input parameters into single output parameter More... | |
class | ParameterMagBehavior |
stores magnitude of input parameter in output parameter More... | |
class | ParameterMapBehavior |
map input parameter into output parameter More... | |
class | ParameterPrintBehavior |
print parameter to console More... | |
class | ParameterScaleBehavior |
scale parameter values More... | |
class | ParameterThresholdToEventBehavior |
create events depending on whether the values an observed parameter enter or leave a value range More... | |
class | RandomizeBehavior |
randomize parameter value More... | |
class | ResetBehavior |
reset parameter value More... | |
class | SpiralBehavior |
cause Agent to move in a spiral around center position of their neighbors More... | |
class | SplineFollowBehavior |
cause Agent to move towards and along a spline shape More... | |
class | StatisticsBehavior |
statistics behavior More... | |
class | TargetParameterBehavior |
shift the values of an input parameter towards those of a target parameter More... | |
class | ParameterRegistration |
class | FlockCom |
class | OSCControl |
class | AddAgentsEvent |
class | AddBehaviorEvent |
class | AddParameterEvent |
class | AddReceiverEvent |
class | AddSenderEvent |
class | AddSpaceEvent |
class | AddSwarmEvent |
class | AssignNeighborsEvent |
class | ClearSimulationEvent |
class | DeregisterParameterEvent |
class | EventManager |
class | MoveBehaviorEvent |
class | RegisterParameterEvent |
class | RemoveAgentsEvent |
class | RemoveBehaviorEvent |
class | RemoveNeighborsEvent |
class | RemoveParameterEvent |
class | RemoveReceiverEvent |
class | RemoveSenderEvent |
class | RemoveSpaceEvent |
class | RemoveSwarmEvent |
class | RestoreSimulationEvent |
class | SaveSimulationEvent |
class | SetParameterEvent |
class | SetSimulationRateEvent |
class | Behavior |
behavior class More... | |
class | BehaviorList |
class | EnvBehavior |
class | SwarmBehavior |
swarm behavior More... | |
class | Agent |
agent class More... | |
class | Env |
class | EnvParameter |
class | Parameter |
parameter class More... | |
class | ParameterList |
list of parameters More... | |
class | Simulation |
class | NeighborAssignInfo |
class | Swarm |
class | FlockException |
class | SerializeTools |
class | EulerIntegration |
class | FlockStats |
flock analyzer and statistics manager More... | |
class | Poem |
class | PoemManager |
class | AgentShape |
class | AgentTrail |
struct | VisualSwarm |
struct | VisualNeighborSpace |
struct | VisualGridSpace |
class | GLPanel |
struct | GLWindowSettings |
class | GLWindow |
class | HideSpaceEvent |
class | HideSwarmEvent |
class | Interactor |
class | ShowSpaceEvent |
class | ShowSwarmEvent |
class | WindowSettingsEvent |
class | Exception |
class for handling all kinds of run time errors More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef base::real | real |
default floating point data type | |
Enumerations | |
enum | SpaceAlgType { PermanentNeighborsAlgType, NTreeAlgType, KDTreeAlgType, ANNAlgType, RTreeAlgType, GridAlgType } |
typedef base::real iso::flock::real |
default floating point data type