iso::synth Namespace Reference


class  AbsUnit
 unit that outputs the absolute value of an input signal.
Usage: Change offset to a value bellow which all values are folded up. Default is zero, which is a standard "abs" operation. Also, you can set outputGain to "-1" to invert output polarity. More...
class  DeltaUnit
 unit that calculates the running delta of a variable order.
Think of this unit as an observer of the change in a signal (1st order delta), or the change of the change (2nd order) and so on.
Order can be different in each channel.
However it is not possible to create orders past the frame length. But who needs 512th+ order delta anyway ;-)
IF you do, simply select a higher frame count for this unit
A note of advice: Noisy signals will create deltas whose amplitude rises with each order by a factor of two (worst case). Furthermore,
quantisation noise is also magnified and might even leap into the audible dynamic range if high delta orders are chosen.
example: a signal segment that looks like this: {-1,1,-1,1} will create the first order delta {-1, 2, -2, 2} and third order: {-1,3,-4,4}. More...
class  ModulationPatch
class  ModulationRelation
class  ModulationNode
class  ModulationTree
class  SynthCom
class  OSCControl
class  Buffer
 storage for audio data More...
class  Channel
 storage for audio data that contains one channel of samples More...
class  Frame
 storage for audio data that contains one frame of samples More...
class  PointList
 a simple collection of 2D vectors More...
class  RingBuffer
 circular storage class for audio or control data More...
class  RingBufferTap
 tap into ring buffer More...
class  Sample
 storage for audio data that contains one frame and one channel of samples More...
class  AddUnitEvent
class  ConnectPortEvent
 connect port event More...
class  ConnectUnitEvent
 connect unit event More...
class  CreateWaveTableEvent
 create wave table event More...
class  DisconnectPortEvent
 disconnect port event More...
class  DisconnectUnitEvent
 disconnect unit event More...
class  EventManager
class  RemoveUnitEvent
 remove unit event More...
class  SetControlPortEvent
class  SetSwitchPortEvent
class  StartSynthEvent
 start synth event More...
class  Window
 simple window class More...
class  Synth
 singleton class that handles synth patch (creation, cleanup, start & stop) and interoperability with jack More...
class  SynthException
class  JackClient
 jack client More...
class  JackManager
 jack manager More...
class  Link
 connection between ports More...
class  Patch
class  AudioPort
 the mother of all audio port classes More...
class  ControlPort
 port for providing additional buffer datas More...
class  InputPort
 input port More...
class  InternalPort
class  OutputPort
 audio signal output port More...
class  Port
 abstract mother of all port classes More...
class  PortConnectListener
class  PortOwner
class  PortProcessListener
class  SwitchPort
class  SwitchPort2
class  ChannelConversionStrategy
 controls conversions between buffers that contain different numbers of channels More...
class  ChannelConversionStrategyManager
 creates channel conversion strategies More...
class  ChannelMap
 stores channel remapping information More...
class  ChannelMixCombineStrategy
 controls channel conversions between buffers, when the source buffer contains the same number of channels as the target buffer More...
class  ChannelMixDirectStrategy
 controls channel conversions between buffers, when the source buffer contains the same number of channels as the target buffer More...
class  ChannelMixDownCombineStrategy
 controls channel conversions between buffers, when the source buffer contains a larger number of channels than the target buffer More...
class  ChannelMixDownDropStrategy
 controls channel conversions between buffers, when the source buffer contains a larger number of channels than the target buffer More...
class  ChannelMixUpDistributeStrategy
 controls channel conversions between buffers, when the source buffer contains a smaller number of channels than the target buffer More...
class  ChannelMixUpIgnoreStrategy
 controls channel conversions between buffers, when the source buffer contains a smaller number of channels than the target buffer More...
class  ControlFadeStrategy
 fade strategy for control ports More...
class  ControlFadeStrategyManager
class  FrameConversionStrategy
 handles buffer conversions and process calls when two directly connected units differ in their frameCount More...
class  FrameConversionStrategyManager
 creates frame conversion strategies More...
class  FrameCopySamplesStrategy
 handles buffer conversions and process calls when two directly connected units differ in their frameCount More...
class  LinkConversionStrategy
 manages buffer conversions and process calls More...
class  LinkConversionStrategyManager
 creates link conversion strategies More...
class  LinkFadeStrategy
class  PointListInterpolStrategy
 fills buffer with interpolated values between points in a pointlist More...
class  PointListInterpolStrategyLinear
 fills buffer with interpolated values between points in a pointlist More...
class  PointListInterpolStrategyManager
 creates point envelope interpol strategies More...
class  PointListInterpolStrategySpline
class  PointListInterpolStrategyTruncate
 fills buffer with interpolated values between points in a pointlist More...
class  PortAddStrategy
 sums audio buffers that are combined at the input port More...
class  PortAverageStrategy
 averages audio buffers that are combined at the input port More...
class  PortConnectionStrategy
 manages process calls and buffer backups for ports connected to multiple links More...
class  PortConnectionStrategyManager
 creates port connection strategies More...
class  PortFanInStrategy
 controls how audio buffers are to be combined at the input port More...
class  PortFanOutStrategy
 controls how audio buffers are to be distributed at the output port More...
class  RateConversionStrategy
 handles buffer conversions and process calls when two directly connected units differ in their rate More...
class  RateConversionStrategyManager
 creates rate conversion strategies More...
class  RateRepeatSamplesStrategy
 controls processing behavior in links More...
class  RateSkipSamplesStrategy
 controls processing behavior in links More...
class  Strategy
 abstract base class for all strategies More...
class  StrategyManager
 abstract base class for all strategy managers More...
class  InputUnit
 audio signal generation unit More...
class  JackInputUnit
 unit that reads input from jack input ports More...
class  JackOutputUnit
 unit that writes audio data to jack output ports More...
class  OutputUnit
 base class for all units that possess only an input port More...
class  ProcessUnit
 units base class for all units that possess an input and output port More...
class  Unit
 tabstract base class of all unit classes More...
class  FunctionDescriptor
 stores function parameters More...
class  FunctionGenerator
 creates buffers containing sampled values of particular function ranges More...
class  SampleManager
class  WaveTableManager
 wave table manager More...
class  BinOpEdge
class  BinOpLeaf
class  BinOpNode
class  BinOpTree
class  AdditiveSynthesisPatch
class  BandPassFilterPatch
class  DelayBandPassPatch
class  DelayLinesPatch
class  SamplePatch
class  StringsPatch
class  ModulatedAddSynTeest
class  SimpleAdditiveSynth
class  MovingBPFilterTest
class  CombFilterNoise
class  CombFilterNoiseSweep
class  FFTPhaseMultiplier
class  FFTStretchTest
class  FFTThresholdTest
class  TestPatch_File
class  TestPatch_File2
class  FSMFilterTest
class  GranularSynthTest
class  MidiInputTest
class  ModulatedLimiterTest
class  MultiDelayTest
class  NoiseTest
class  PulseToValueTest
class  PulseTest
class  ResonFilterTest
class  StochasticNoiseTest
class  VocalTest
class  Decode2DStrategy
class  Decode3DStrategy
class  DecodeStrategy
class  Encode2DStrategy
class  Encode3DStrategy
class  EncodeStrategy
class  TestPatch
class  TestSuite
class  PointEnvelope
 point envelope class More...
class  WaveTableEnvelope
 wavetable envelope class More...
class  BLPulseGen
 band limited pulse generator More...
class  DCSPulseGen
 pulse generator with a dynamically controlled spectrum More...
class  FMUnit
 frequency modulation unit More...
class  Noise
 simple uniform noise generator More...
class  NoiseH
 sample holding noise generator More...
class  NoiseI
class  PinkNoise
class  StochasticNoise
 stochastic noise generator More...
class  PulseUnit
 PulseUnit pulse unit class. More...
class  RhythmUnit
 RhythmUnit pulse unit class. More...
class  SawtoothUnit
class  StringNL
 non linear string model More...
class  TriggerSampleUnit
class  WaveTableOscil
 wavetable oscillator More...
class  AEPUnit
 ambisonic equivalent panning unit More...
class  Decoder
class  Encoder
class  MultiAEPUnit
 ambisonic equivalent panning unit More...
class  DelayUnit
 delay unit More...
class  MultiDelayUnit
 manages several taps per ringbuffer More...
class  WaveTableShaper
 wavetable shaper More...
class  FFTAmpDerivative
class  FFTAmpScale
 scales spectral amplitudes More...
class  FFTPhaseMultiply
class  FFTPhaseScale
 scales spectral phases More...
class  FFTStretch
class  FFTThreshold
class  FFTUnit
 performs fast fourier transformation More...
class  IFFTUnit
class  AllPassFilter
 all pass filter class More...
class  BWFilter
 Butterworth filter class. More...
class  CombFilter
 comb filter class More...
class  Filter
 filter class More...
class  FilterManager
 filter manager More...
class  FSMFilter
 frequency sampling method filter class More...
class  LPIIRFilter
 filter class More...
class  ResonFilter
 reson filter class More...
class  VocalFormantFilter
 filterbank specialised in reproducing vocal formants. Courtesy of Bennet/Rodet's "Synthesis of the Singing Voice" 1989 More...
class  Grain
 Grain grain class for granular synthesis. More...
class  GranularUnit
 GranularUnit granular synthesis unit class. More...
class  AddUnit
 adds value to signal data More...
class  BinaryOpUnit
 abstract base class for units that perform binary operations More...
class  DCBlocker
class  EnvFollower
class  LimiterUnit
class  MultiplyUnit
 multiplies value with signal data More...
class  InputFile
 unit that reads audio from a sound file More...
class  OutputFile
 unit that writes all audio it receives into a file More...
class  SampleUnit
 sample playback unit More...
class  ATEAverageUnit
 ATEAverageUnit samples an audio stream at regular intervals and send then the average of all values found between these intervals
. More...
class  ATEConditionalUnit
 ATEConditionalUnit samples an audio stream at regular intervals and sends the sampled values as events, but only if the suffice a conditional statement
this unit is a subclass of the default AudioToEvent unit (ATEUnit). It specializes in conditional statements, such as (if audio(t) > 0.8 then output audio(t) as event)
This class allows for two separate conditional statements that are linked with an AND, here is an example:
if ( audio(t) operator argument) AND (audio(t) operator2 argument2) then (send audio(t) as event). Both logical operator stategements are optional and can be
bypassed by setting the logical operator index to -1. This comparision is done at the interval rate (see ATEUnit). If for any reason, you need sample accurate comparision, set the interval to 0. don't forget
all switchports from ATEUnit are inherited and can be used in this unit. There is a logical problem with this unit: The two statements are connected by an AND. If you need an logical OR between the statements, we suggest, you
instatiate two separate ATEConditionalUnits (with a single conditional statement each). These two units will fire an event if either of the statements are
matched, thus having the same effect as an logical "OR" between two statements. More...
class  ATEMaxAmpUnit
 ATEMaxAmpUnit samples an audio stream at regular intervals and sends then the maximal value found between these intervals
. More...
class  ATEMaxUnit
 ATEMaxUnit samples an audio stream at regular intervals and sends then the maximal value found between these intervals
. More...
class  ATEMinAmpUnit
 ATEMinAmpUnit samples an audio stream at regular intervals and sends then the minimal value found between these intervals
. More...
class  ATEMinUnit
 ATEMinUnit samples an audio stream at regular intervals and send thin minimal value found between these intervals
. More...
class  ATEUnit
 ATEUnit samples an audio stream at regular intervals and sends the sampled values as events
Since there is a brief time lapse between the start of the event target unit and the sending of events by ATEUnit,
it is adviced to set the EventTarget to a default value close to the estimated first event sent by ATEUnit, otherwise initial jumps will occur.
. More...
class  CTFUnit
 converts a multi channel single frame buffer on its control port into a single channel multi frame buffer at its output port More...
class  EnvelopeFollowerUnit
class  ETACustomFadeUnit
 received event values are transformed into a continuous "sample-and-hold" stream of data with custom fades between event states.
These custom fades are accomplished by passing ETACustomFadeUnit a wavetable containing the fade shape
this unit expects a wavetable that starts with the value 0.0 and ends with 1.0. Also note that all channels will use the same wavetable. switch ports:
values : event receive port fadesize: fade length in ms More...
class  ETAFadeToValueUnit
 transforms event values into continuous audio values. More...
class  ETAFadeUnit
 received event values are transformed into a continuous "sample-and-hold" stream of data with fades between event states.
class  ETAUnit
 received event values are transformed into a continuous "sample-and-hold" stream of data
which can then be connected to any InputPort or ControlPort. This is the base class of the event to audio class tree and features no transformation whatsoever. More...
class  FTCUnit
class  MixUnit
class  PulseToValueUnit
 PulseToValueUnit pulse to value unit class. More...
class  Exception
 class for handling all kinds of run time errors More...
class  ControlFadeStrateyManager
 creates fade strategies for control ports More...
class  LInkFadeStrategy
 fade strategy for links More...
class  PinkPinkNoise
 simple pink noise generator More...


typedef jack_default_audio_sample_t sample
 basic sample variable type
typedef QString String
 String type.
typedef QHash< String, Port * > Ports
 Vector of InputPorts Hashtable of Ports.
typedef QHash< String, ControlPort * > ControlPorts
 Hashtable of Control Ports.
typedef QHash< String, SwitchPort * > SwitchPorts
 Hashtable of Switch Ports.
typedef QHash< String, PatchPort * > PatchPorts
 Hashtable of Patch Ports.
typedef jack_port_t JackPort
 Jack Port.
typedef QVector< JackPort * > JackPorts
 Vector of Jack Ports.
typedef QList< Link * > Links
 List of Links.
typedef QVector< ProcessUnit * > ProcessUnits
 Vector of Process Units.
typedef QVector< InputUnit * > InputUnits
 Vector of Input Units.
typedef QVector< OutputUnit * > OutputUnits
 Vector of Output Units.
typedef QFile File
 QFile File.
typedef QVector< FunctionDescriptorFunctionList
 vector of function descriptors
typedef SNDFILE SoundFile
 libsndfile SoundFile
typedef SF_INFO SoundFileInfo
 libnsndfile SoundFileInfo
typedef timeval Time
 timeval struct
typedef timezone TimeZone
 timetone struct
typedef sample(*) bFormFunction (sample pAzimuth, sample pElevation)
 coding function pointer


 interpolation type for buffers and curves (and possible more) More...
enum  ChannelConversionType { CHANNEL_DIRECT, CHANNEL_DISTRIBUTE }
 Channel Conversion Types. More...
enum  LinkFadeMode { LinkFadeIn, LinkFadeOut }
 Fan in Types. More...
 control port handling More...
enum  FunctionType {
 function type More...
enum  TestStrategy { SERIAL, PARALLEL }


static QHash< String, int > SoundFileFormats
 file ending / file format association
static sf_count_t(*) ReadSoundFile (SNDFILE *, sample *, sf_count_t) = &sf_readf_float
 pointer to libsndfile function for reading sound file
static sf_count_t(*) WriteSoundFile (SNDFILE *, const sample *, sf_count_t) = &sf_writef_float
 pointer to libsndfile function for writing sound file
const bool LOG_ISO_BINOPLEAF = false
const bool LOG_ISO_BINONODE = false
const bool LOG_ISO_TESTPATCH = true
const bool LOG_ISO_TESTSUITE = true

Typedef Documentation

typedef sample(*) iso::synth::bFormFunction(sample pAzimuth, sample pElevation)

coding function pointer

typedef QHash<String, ControlPort*> iso::synth::ControlPorts

Hashtable of Control Ports.

typedef QFile iso::synth::File

QFile File.

typedef QVector<FunctionDescriptor> iso::synth::FunctionList

vector of function descriptors

typedef QVector<InputUnit*> iso::synth::InputUnits

Vector of Input Units.

typedef jack_port_t iso::synth::JackPort

Jack Port.

typedef QVector<JackPort*> iso::synth::JackPorts

Vector of Jack Ports.

typedef QList<Link*> iso::synth::Links

List of Links.

typedef QVector<OutputUnit*> iso::synth::OutputUnits

Vector of Output Units.

typedef QHash<String, PatchPort*> iso::synth::PatchPorts

Hashtable of Patch Ports.

typedef QHash<String, Port*> iso::synth::Ports

Vector of InputPorts Hashtable of Ports.

typedef QVector<ProcessUnit*> iso::synth::ProcessUnits

Vector of Process Units.

typedef jack_default_audio_sample_t iso::synth::sample

basic sample variable type

The very basic sample variable type. Change this for higher accuracy to double.

typedef SNDFILE iso::synth::SoundFile

libsndfile SoundFile

typedef SF_INFO iso::synth::SoundFileInfo

libnsndfile SoundFileInfo

typedef QString iso::synth::String

String type.

typedef QHash<String, SwitchPort*> iso::synth::SwitchPorts

Hashtable of Switch Ports.

typedef struct timeval iso::synth::Time

timeval struct

typedef struct timezone iso::synth::TimeZone

timetone struct

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum iso::synth::BWType


enum iso::synth::ChannelConversionType

Channel Conversion Types.


enum iso::synth::ControlType

control port handling

FRAMECONTROL  for each procss call, a frame is requested from the control port
BUFFERCONTROL  for each procss call, a buffer is requested from the control port

enum iso::synth::FanInType

Fan in Types.


enum iso::synth::FunctionType

function type

RECT  rect value function >
LINEAR  linear function
SINE  sine function
EXP  exponential function
LOG  logarithmic function
SIGMOID  sigmoid function
SIGEXP  first hald of sigmoid function (pseudo exponetial)
SIGLOG  second hald of sigmoid function (pseudo logarithmic)
GAUSS  gaussian function
HAMMING  hamming function
HANN  hamming function
BEZIER  bezier spline >
HERMITE  hermite spline >

enum iso::synth::InterpolationType

interpolation type for buffers and curves (and possible more)


enum iso::synth::LinkFadeMode


enum iso::synth::TestStrategy


Variable Documentation

const bool iso::synth::LOG_ISO_BINONODE = false

const bool iso::synth::LOG_ISO_BINOPLEAF = false

const bool iso::synth::LOG_ISO_TESTPATCH = true

const bool iso::synth::LOG_ISO_TESTSUITE = true

sf_count_t(*) iso::synth::ReadSoundFile(SNDFILE *, sample *, sf_count_t) = &sf_readf_float [static]

pointer to libsndfile function for reading sound file

QHash<String, int> iso::synth::SoundFileFormats [static]

file ending / file format association

const TestStrategy iso::synth::TEST_STRATEGY = PARALLEL

sf_count_t(*) iso::synth::WriteSoundFile(SNDFILE *, const sample *, sf_count_t) = &sf_writef_float [static]

pointer to libsndfile function for writing sound file

Generated on Fri Feb 25 14:18:41 2011 for synth by  doxygen 1.5.1