Classes | |
class | AbsUnit |
unit that outputs the absolute value of an input signal. Usage: Change offset to a value bellow which all values are folded up. Default is zero, which is a standard "abs" operation. Also, you can set outputGain to "-1" to invert output polarity. More... | |
class | DeltaUnit |
unit that calculates the running delta of a variable order. Think of this unit as an observer of the change in a signal (1st order delta), or the change of the change (2nd order) and so on. Order can be different in each channel. However it is not possible to create orders past the frame length. But who needs 512th+ order delta anyway ;-) IF you do, simply select a higher frame count for this unit A note of advice: Noisy signals will create deltas whose amplitude rises with each order by a factor of two (worst case). Furthermore, quantisation noise is also magnified and might even leap into the audible dynamic range if high delta orders are chosen. example: a signal segment that looks like this: {-1,1,-1,1} will create the first order delta {-1, 2, -2, 2} and third order: {-1,3,-4,4}. More... | |
class | ModulationPatch |
class | ModulationRelation |
class | ModulationNode |
class | ModulationTree |
class | SynthCom |
class | OSCControl |
class | Buffer |
storage for audio data More... | |
class | Channel |
storage for audio data that contains one channel of samples More... | |
class | Frame |
storage for audio data that contains one frame of samples More... | |
class | PointList |
a simple collection of 2D vectors More... | |
class | RingBuffer |
circular storage class for audio or control data More... | |
class | RingBufferTap |
tap into ring buffer More... | |
class | Sample |
storage for audio data that contains one frame and one channel of samples More... | |
class | AddUnitEvent |
class | ConnectPortEvent |
connect port event More... | |
class | ConnectUnitEvent |
connect unit event More... | |
class | CreateWaveTableEvent |
create wave table event More... | |
class | DisconnectPortEvent |
disconnect port event More... | |
class | DisconnectUnitEvent |
disconnect unit event More... | |
class | EventManager |
class | RemoveUnitEvent |
remove unit event More... | |
class | SetControlPortEvent |
class | SetSwitchPortEvent |
class | StartSynthEvent |
start synth event More... | |
class | Window |
simple window class More... | |
class | Synth |
singleton class that handles synth patch (creation, cleanup, start & stop) and interoperability with jack More... | |
class | SynthException |
class | JackClient |
jack client More... | |
class | JackManager |
jack manager More... | |
class | Link |
connection between ports More... | |
class | Patch |
class | AudioPort |
the mother of all audio port classes More... | |
class | ControlPort |
port for providing additional buffer datas More... | |
class | InputPort |
input port More... | |
class | InternalPort |
class | OutputPort |
audio signal output port More... | |
class | Port |
abstract mother of all port classes More... | |
class | PortConnectListener |
class | PortOwner |
class | PortProcessListener |
class | SwitchPort |
class | SwitchPort2 |
class | ChannelConversionStrategy |
controls conversions between buffers that contain different numbers of channels More... | |
class | ChannelConversionStrategyManager |
creates channel conversion strategies More... | |
class | ChannelMap |
stores channel remapping information More... | |
class | ChannelMixCombineStrategy |
controls channel conversions between buffers, when the source buffer contains the same number of channels as the target buffer More... | |
class | ChannelMixDirectStrategy |
controls channel conversions between buffers, when the source buffer contains the same number of channels as the target buffer More... | |
class | ChannelMixDownCombineStrategy |
controls channel conversions between buffers, when the source buffer contains a larger number of channels than the target buffer More... | |
class | ChannelMixDownDropStrategy |
controls channel conversions between buffers, when the source buffer contains a larger number of channels than the target buffer More... | |
class | ChannelMixUpDistributeStrategy |
controls channel conversions between buffers, when the source buffer contains a smaller number of channels than the target buffer More... | |
class | ChannelMixUpIgnoreStrategy |
controls channel conversions between buffers, when the source buffer contains a smaller number of channels than the target buffer More... | |
class | ControlFadeStrategy |
fade strategy for control ports More... | |
class | ControlFadeStrategyManager |
class | FrameConversionStrategy |
handles buffer conversions and process calls when two directly connected units differ in their frameCount More... | |
class | FrameConversionStrategyManager |
creates frame conversion strategies More... | |
class | FrameCopySamplesStrategy |
handles buffer conversions and process calls when two directly connected units differ in their frameCount More... | |
class | LinkConversionStrategy |
manages buffer conversions and process calls More... | |
class | LinkConversionStrategyManager |
creates link conversion strategies More... | |
class | LinkFadeStrategy |
class | PointListInterpolStrategy |
fills buffer with interpolated values between points in a pointlist More... | |
class | PointListInterpolStrategyLinear |
fills buffer with interpolated values between points in a pointlist More... | |
class | PointListInterpolStrategyManager |
creates point envelope interpol strategies More... | |
class | PointListInterpolStrategySpline |
class | PointListInterpolStrategyTruncate |
fills buffer with interpolated values between points in a pointlist More... | |
class | PortAddStrategy |
sums audio buffers that are combined at the input port More... | |
class | PortAverageStrategy |
averages audio buffers that are combined at the input port More... | |
class | PortConnectionStrategy |
manages process calls and buffer backups for ports connected to multiple links More... | |
class | PortConnectionStrategyManager |
creates port connection strategies More... | |
class | PortFanInStrategy |
controls how audio buffers are to be combined at the input port More... | |
class | PortFanOutStrategy |
controls how audio buffers are to be distributed at the output port More... | |
class | RateConversionStrategy |
handles buffer conversions and process calls when two directly connected units differ in their rate More... | |
class | RateConversionStrategyManager |
creates rate conversion strategies More... | |
class | RateRepeatSamplesStrategy |
controls processing behavior in links More... | |
class | RateSkipSamplesStrategy |
controls processing behavior in links More... | |
class | Strategy |
abstract base class for all strategies More... | |
class | StrategyManager |
abstract base class for all strategy managers More... | |
class | InputUnit |
audio signal generation unit More... | |
class | JackInputUnit |
unit that reads input from jack input ports More... | |
class | JackOutputUnit |
unit that writes audio data to jack output ports More... | |
class | OutputUnit |
base class for all units that possess only an input port More... | |
class | ProcessUnit |
units base class for all units that possess an input and output port More... | |
class | Unit |
tabstract base class of all unit classes More... | |
class | FunctionDescriptor |
stores function parameters More... | |
class | FunctionGenerator |
creates buffers containing sampled values of particular function ranges More... | |
class | SampleManager |
class | WaveTableManager |
wave table manager More... | |
class | BinOpEdge |
class | BinOpLeaf |
class | BinOpNode |
class | BinOpTree |
class | AdditiveSynthesisPatch |
class | BandPassFilterPatch |
class | DelayBandPassPatch |
class | DelayLinesPatch |
class | SamplePatch |
class | StringsPatch |
class | ModulatedAddSynTeest |
class | SimpleAdditiveSynth |
class | MovingBPFilterTest |
class | CombFilterNoise |
class | CombFilterNoiseSweep |
class | FFTPhaseMultiplier |
class | FFTStretchTest |
class | FFTThresholdTest |
class | TestPatch_File |
class | TestPatch_File2 |
class | FSMFilterTest |
class | GranularSynthTest |
class | MidiInputTest |
class | ModulatedLimiterTest |
class | MultiDelayTest |
class | NoiseTest |
class | PulseToValueTest |
class | PulseTest |
class | ResonFilterTest |
class | SKELETONPATCH___ |
class | StochasticNoiseTest |
class | VocalTest |
class | Decode2DStrategy |
class | Decode3DStrategy |
class | DecodeStrategy |
class | Encode2DStrategy |
class | Encode3DStrategy |
class | EncodeStrategy |
class | TestPatch |
class | TestSuite |
class | PointEnvelope |
point envelope class More... | |
class | WaveTableEnvelope |
wavetable envelope class More... | |
class | BLPulseGen |
band limited pulse generator More... | |
class | DCSPulseGen |
pulse generator with a dynamically controlled spectrum More... | |
class | FMUnit |
frequency modulation unit More... | |
class | Noise |
simple uniform noise generator More... | |
class | NoiseH |
sample holding noise generator More... | |
class | NoiseI |
class | PinkNoise |
class | StochasticNoise |
stochastic noise generator More... | |
class | PulseUnit |
PulseUnit pulse unit class. More... | |
class | RhythmUnit |
RhythmUnit pulse unit class. More... | |
class | SawtoothUnit |
class | StringNL |
non linear string model More... | |
class | TriggerSampleUnit |
class | WaveTableOscil |
wavetable oscillator More... | |
class | AEPUnit |
ambisonic equivalent panning unit More... | |
class | Decoder |
class | Encoder |
class | MultiAEPUnit |
ambisonic equivalent panning unit More... | |
class | DelayUnit |
delay unit More... | |
class | MultiDelayUnit |
manages several taps per ringbuffer More... | |
class | WaveTableShaper |
wavetable shaper More... | |
class | FFTAmpDerivative |
class | FFTAmpScale |
scales spectral amplitudes More... | |
class | FFTPhaseMultiply |
class | FFTPhaseScale |
scales spectral phases More... | |
class | FFTStretch |
class | FFTThreshold |
class | FFTUnit |
performs fast fourier transformation More... | |
class | IFFTUnit |
class | AllPassFilter |
all pass filter class More... | |
class | BWFilter |
Butterworth filter class. More... | |
class | CombFilter |
comb filter class More... | |
class | Filter |
filter class More... | |
class | FilterManager |
filter manager More... | |
class | FSMFilter |
frequency sampling method filter class More... | |
class | LPIIRFilter |
filter class More... | |
class | ResonFilter |
reson filter class More... | |
class | VocalFormantFilter |
filterbank specialised in reproducing vocal formants. Courtesy of Bennet/Rodet's "Synthesis of the Singing Voice" 1989 More... | |
class | Grain |
Grain grain class for granular synthesis. More... | |
class | GranularUnit |
GranularUnit granular synthesis unit class. More... | |
class | AddUnit |
adds value to signal data More... | |
class | BinaryOpUnit |
abstract base class for units that perform binary operations More... | |
class | DCBlocker |
class | EnvFollower |
class | LimiterUnit |
class | MultiplyUnit |
multiplies value with signal data More... | |
class | InputFile |
unit that reads audio from a sound file More... | |
class | OutputFile |
unit that writes all audio it receives into a file More... | |
class | SampleUnit |
sample playback unit More... | |
class | ATEAverageUnit |
ATEAverageUnit samples an audio stream at regular intervals and send then the average of all values found between these intervals . More... | |
class | ATEConditionalUnit |
ATEConditionalUnit samples an audio stream at regular intervals and sends the sampled values as events, but only if the suffice a conditional statement this unit is a subclass of the default AudioToEvent unit (ATEUnit). It specializes in conditional statements, such as (if audio(t) > 0.8 then output audio(t) as event) This class allows for two separate conditional statements that are linked with an AND, here is an example: if ( audio(t) operator argument) AND (audio(t) operator2 argument2) then (send audio(t) as event). Both logical operator stategements are optional and can be bypassed by setting the logical operator index to -1. This comparision is done at the interval rate (see ATEUnit). If for any reason, you need sample accurate comparision, set the interval to 0. don't forget all switchports from ATEUnit are inherited and can be used in this unit. There is a logical problem with this unit: The two statements are connected by an AND. If you need an logical OR between the statements, we suggest, you instatiate two separate ATEConditionalUnits (with a single conditional statement each). These two units will fire an event if either of the statements are matched, thus having the same effect as an logical "OR" between two statements. More... | |
class | ATEMaxAmpUnit |
ATEMaxAmpUnit samples an audio stream at regular intervals and sends then the maximal value found between these intervals . More... | |
class | ATEMaxUnit |
ATEMaxUnit samples an audio stream at regular intervals and sends then the maximal value found between these intervals . More... | |
class | ATEMinAmpUnit |
ATEMinAmpUnit samples an audio stream at regular intervals and sends then the minimal value found between these intervals . More... | |
class | ATEMinUnit |
ATEMinUnit samples an audio stream at regular intervals and send thin minimal value found between these intervals . More... | |
class | ATEUnit |
ATEUnit samples an audio stream at regular intervals and sends the sampled values as events Since there is a brief time lapse between the start of the event target unit and the sending of events by ATEUnit, it is adviced to set the EventTarget to a default value close to the estimated first event sent by ATEUnit, otherwise initial jumps will occur. . More... | |
class | CTFUnit |
converts a multi channel single frame buffer on its control port into a single channel multi frame buffer at its output port More... | |
class | EnvelopeFollowerUnit |
class | ETACustomFadeUnit |
received event values are transformed into a continuous "sample-and-hold" stream of data with custom fades between event states. These custom fades are accomplished by passing ETACustomFadeUnit a wavetable containing the fade shape this unit expects a wavetable that starts with the value 0.0 and ends with 1.0. Also note that all channels will use the same wavetable. switch ports: values : event receive port fadesize: fade length in ms More... | |
class | ETAFadeToValueUnit |
transforms event values into continuous audio values. More... | |
class | ETAFadeUnit |
received event values are transformed into a continuous "sample-and-hold" stream of data with fades between event states. More... | |
class | ETAUnit |
received event values are transformed into a continuous "sample-and-hold" stream of data which can then be connected to any InputPort or ControlPort. This is the base class of the event to audio class tree and features no transformation whatsoever. More... | |
class | FTCUnit |
class | MixUnit |
class | PulseToValueUnit |
PulseToValueUnit pulse to value unit class. More... | |
class | Exception |
class for handling all kinds of run time errors More... | |
class | ControlFadeStrateyManager |
creates fade strategies for control ports More... | |
class | LInkFadeStrategy |
fade strategy for links More... | |
class | PinkPinkNoise |
simple pink noise generator More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef jack_default_audio_sample_t | sample |
basic sample variable type | |
typedef QString | String |
String type. | |
typedef QHash< String, Port * > | Ports |
Vector of InputPorts Hashtable of Ports. | |
typedef QHash< String, ControlPort * > | ControlPorts |
Hashtable of Control Ports. | |
typedef QHash< String, SwitchPort * > | SwitchPorts |
Hashtable of Switch Ports. | |
typedef QHash< String, PatchPort * > | PatchPorts |
Hashtable of Patch Ports. | |
typedef jack_port_t | JackPort |
Jack Port. | |
typedef QVector< JackPort * > | JackPorts |
Vector of Jack Ports. | |
typedef QList< Link * > | Links |
List of Links. | |
typedef QVector< ProcessUnit * > | ProcessUnits |
Vector of Process Units. | |
typedef QVector< InputUnit * > | InputUnits |
Vector of Input Units. | |
typedef QVector< OutputUnit * > | OutputUnits |
Vector of Output Units. | |
typedef QFile | File |
QFile File. | |
typedef QVector< FunctionDescriptor > | FunctionList |
vector of function descriptors | |
typedef SNDFILE | SoundFile |
libsndfile SoundFile | |
typedef SF_INFO | SoundFileInfo |
libnsndfile SoundFileInfo | |
typedef timeval | Time |
timeval struct | |
typedef timezone | TimeZone |
timetone struct | |
typedef sample(*) | bFormFunction (sample pAzimuth, sample pElevation) |
coding function pointer | |
Enumerations | |
interpolation type for buffers and curves (and possible more) More... | |
enum | ChannelConversionType { CHANNEL_DIRECT, CHANNEL_DISTRIBUTE } |
Channel Conversion Types. More... | |
enum | LinkFadeMode { LinkFadeIn, LinkFadeOut } |
enum | FanInType { FANIN_ADD, FANIN_AVERAGE } |
Fan in Types. More... | |
control port handling More... | |
function type More... | |
enum | TestStrategy { SERIAL, PARALLEL } |
Variables | |
static QHash< String, int > | SoundFileFormats |
file ending / file format association | |
static sf_count_t(*) | ReadSoundFile (SNDFILE *, sample *, sf_count_t) = &sf_readf_float |
pointer to libsndfile function for reading sound file | |
static sf_count_t(*) | WriteSoundFile (SNDFILE *, const sample *, sf_count_t) = &sf_writef_float |
pointer to libsndfile function for writing sound file | |
const bool | LOG_ISO_BINOPLEAF = false |
const bool | LOG_ISO_BINONODE = false |
const bool | LOG_ISO_TESTPATCH = true |
const bool | LOG_ISO_TESTSUITE = true |
const TestStrategy | TEST_STRATEGY = PARALLEL |
typedef sample(*) iso::synth::bFormFunction(sample pAzimuth, sample pElevation) |
coding function pointer
typedef QHash<String, ControlPort*> iso::synth::ControlPorts |
Hashtable of Control Ports.
typedef QFile iso::synth::File |
QFile File.
typedef QVector<FunctionDescriptor> iso::synth::FunctionList |
vector of function descriptors
typedef QVector<InputUnit*> iso::synth::InputUnits |
Vector of Input Units.
typedef jack_port_t iso::synth::JackPort |
Jack Port.
typedef QVector<JackPort*> iso::synth::JackPorts |
Vector of Jack Ports.
typedef QList<Link*> iso::synth::Links |
List of Links.
typedef QVector<OutputUnit*> iso::synth::OutputUnits |
Vector of Output Units.
typedef QHash<String, PatchPort*> iso::synth::PatchPorts |
Hashtable of Patch Ports.
typedef QHash<String, Port*> iso::synth::Ports |
Vector of InputPorts Hashtable of Ports.
typedef QVector<ProcessUnit*> iso::synth::ProcessUnits |
Vector of Process Units.
typedef jack_default_audio_sample_t iso::synth::sample |
basic sample variable type
The very basic sample variable type. Change this for higher accuracy to double.
typedef SNDFILE iso::synth::SoundFile |
libsndfile SoundFile
typedef SF_INFO iso::synth::SoundFileInfo |
libnsndfile SoundFileInfo
typedef QString iso::synth::String |
String type.
typedef QHash<String, SwitchPort*> iso::synth::SwitchPorts |
Hashtable of Switch Ports.
typedef struct timeval iso::synth::Time |
timeval struct
typedef struct timezone iso::synth::TimeZone |
timetone struct
enum iso::synth::BWType |
function type
const bool iso::synth::LOG_ISO_BINONODE = false |
const bool iso::synth::LOG_ISO_BINOPLEAF = false |
const bool iso::synth::LOG_ISO_TESTPATCH = true |
const bool iso::synth::LOG_ISO_TESTSUITE = true |
sf_count_t(*) iso::synth::ReadSoundFile(SNDFILE *, sample *, sf_count_t) = &sf_readf_float [static] |
pointer to libsndfile function for reading sound file
QHash<String, int> iso::synth::SoundFileFormats [static] |
file ending / file format association
const TestStrategy iso::synth::TEST_STRATEGY = PARALLEL |
sf_count_t(*) iso::synth::WriteSoundFile(SNDFILE *, const sample *, sf_count_t) = &sf_writef_float [static] |
pointer to libsndfile function for writing sound file