Interactive Swarm Space

Papers by ISO/ISS members

Bisig, D. and Kocher, P. Trails II. Proceedings of the Consciousness Reframed Conference. Cairo, Egypt, 2013. Download PDF

Bisig, D. and Schiesser, S. Coral - a Physical and Haptic Extension of a Swarm Simulation. Proceedings of the New Interfaces for Musical Expression Conference. Daejeon + Seoul, South Korea, 2013. Download PDF

Bisig, D., and Palacio, P. STOCOS - Dance in a Synergistic Environment. Proceedings of the Generative Art Conference. Lucca, Italy, 2012. Download PDF

Bisig D. and Kocher P. Tools and Abstractions for Swarm based Music and Art. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. Ljiubljana, Slovenia, 2012. Download PDF

Bisig D., Kunst und Künstliches Leben - zwischen Autonomie und Interaktion. Blum A., Krois J., and Rheinberger H. (Eds.), Verkörperungen. Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 2012.

Bisig, D., and Unemi, From Shared Presence to Hybrid Identity. Proceedings of the Consciousness Reframed Conference. Lisbon, Portugal, 2011.

Bisig D., Schacher J., Neukom M., Flowspace – A Hybrid Ecosystem, Proceedings of the New Interfaces for Musical Expression Conference. Oslo, Norway, 2011. Download PDF

Schacher J., Bisig D., and Neukom N., Composing with Swarm Algorithms - Creating Interactive Audio-Visual Pieces Using Flocking Behavior, Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. Huddersfield, England, 2011. Download PDF

Bisig D., Kunst und künstliches Leben - zwischen Autonomie und Interaktion, In Blum A. (Ed.), Verkörperungen. Preprint-Serie, Max Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 2010. Download PDF

Bisig, D., and Unemi, T. Cycles - Blending Natural and Artificial Properties in a Generative Artwork. Proceedings of the Generative Art Conference. Milano, Italy, 2010. Download PDF

Bisig D., Schwarm, Raum und Kunst: Das ISS-Forschungsprojekt, In Maeder M. (Ed.), Milieux Sonores - Klangliche Milieus. Klang, Raum und Virtualität. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2010.

Bisig, D., and Unemi, T. Swarms on Stage - Swarm Simulations for Dance Performance. Proceedings of the Generative Art Conference. Milano, Italy, 2009. Download PDF

Bisig D. and Neukom M. "Swarm Based Computer Music - Towards a Repertory of Strategies", Proceedings of the Generative Art Conference, Milano, Italy, 2008. Download PDF

Bisig D., Neukom M. and Flury J. "Interactive Swarm Orchestra - A Generic Programming Environment For Swarm Based Computer Music", ICMC, Belfast, Ireland, 2008. Download PDF

Bisig D. Neukom M. and Flury J. "Interactive Swarm Orchestra - An Artificial Life Approach to Computer Music", ICMS, Belfast, Ireland, 2008. Download PDF

Bisig, D., Neukom, M. and Flury, J. "Interactive Swarm Orchestra", Proceedings of the Generative Art Conference, Milano, Italy, 2007. Download PDF

Papers by Collaborators

Bumbacher E. "A Smoothed Particly Hydrodynamics Approach to the Interactive Swarm Orchestra", Institute of Neuroinformatics, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, 2008. Download PDF

Spöring F. "Spatial Structures and Multidimensional Data" Semester Thesis in Informatics, IFI, University of Zurich, 2008. Download PDF

Last updated: May 15, 2024