Interactive Swarm Space

Standalone Software

If you are curious and want to get a first impression of the look and feel of ISO Flock, this might be a good point to start. The standalone software provides an easy to use graphical user interface and requires no programming knowledge at all.

Get the standalone software from the downloads section.

External Control

Most of the functionality of ISO Flock can be accessed externally via OSC. Even if your have no understanding of C++ you can still create swarms, define its behavior and interact with it from any programming environment you are familiar with (MaxMSP, Pure Data, SuperCollider, CSound, Python).

There are tutorials that guide you step-by-step and provide you with modules that you can copy and paste into your own project.

From the downloads section get the example swarms and the tutorial package of your preferred programming environment.

In order to gain an even better understanding you may have a look at the chapters Networking and ISO Flock especially at the section Behaviors.


Great, you would like to have that cake and eat it too. Good choice! :-)

Your installation procedure takes several steps. Proceed to the the installation section.

Last updated: May 15, 2024